Lauren Daigle
These Are The Days
These Are The Days
These are the days is a song I absolutely love. We wrote this song as an exit song from the pandemic. It was the song that was like, finally, we are back to making music again, being able to be on stages again. And I just kept saying these are the days, these are the days. These are the days we’ve been dreaming of and we went to New Orleans on a writing trip and finished writing the song while we were there. And it’s all about the day that the Lord is gonna come back again. We don’t have to fear these times that are surrounded with chaos even though it is hard. This is a song that reminds us of the triumphant entry that we’re gonna get to be a part of that. We’re gonna get to live in waves of joy again. It’s not over, it has not finished. It is not done. We’re gonna get to experience this jubilation and it’s gonna be a beautiful day when we’re all together in that moment. And so this song is all about the days that we get to be a part of Sunday. Lauren.