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1:00 pm 3:00 pm

Current show

1:00 pm 3:00 pm

The Morning Show

Start your day with Simon Cook in the morning, Monday-Friday, 9am-12pm UK time. Including The Test of Time at 9.15 UK time. This is where Simon tests your knowledge of events that happened on that day in history.  You can also  hear The Morning Show New Song of the Week just before 9.30, and be encouaged by Today’s Positive Message at 9:40.

Meet Simon Cook:

Go on, make us laugh – what’s your favourite joke?
Bacon and eggs walk into a bar. The barman says, “I’m sorry… we don’t serve breakfast”.

Where did you spend your childhood?
I grew up and went to school in Wiltshire. I lived in a lovely town called Bradford-on-Avon, near Bath.

What’s your favourite drink in morning?
A nice mug of strong, hot coffee…Because I get up at 5 a.m. to present a morning show, I usually have about four coffees before 10 a.m.

Who is your favourite Christian music artist?
This is a difficult question, because I love so many of them. I think my favourite artist is TobyMac. I have loved his music since the days of DC Talk. My favourite Christian group will always be Casting Crowns. Probably because I have seen them live a few times.

What’s your favourite TV programme?
Ha ha…uumm…Probably Dr. Who (I still hide behind the sofa during the scary moments).

Do you have a favourite bible verse?
Yes, it’s Matthew 6:33. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. This scripture was given to me as a teenager by my father. It’s a reminder to me that God wants me to put Him first before anything else in my life.

Finally…If you weren’t a radio presenter, what job would you do?
Well, being a radio presenter has always been my dream job. If I wasn’t a radio presenter, I think I would like to do a job where I help people and knowing that I have made a difference to their life.